Many anglers avoid muddy water when crappie fishing because it’s mentally discouraging to fish when you think the fish can’t see your bait. Here is a few things you can use to help!
Key baits and techniques

In muddy water fish are normally pale and light colored just like the bait they are feeding on. Crappie and other predator fish search for a flash or vibrations made to locate their food.
Bright sun shine days go for your flashy, bright or white colored jigs. Some example of jigs would include our #4 junebug chartreuse, #5 all white w/ pink head, and #11 solid chartreuse. Sticking to your chartreuse, whites, and pink jigs in muddy water will help fill the ice chest!

One technique you can use to help make these jigs perform better is under a cork while popping it. Popping a jig under a cork will imitate a shad popping the surface. Those crappie will hone in on the noise and see your jig swimming erratically. Just watch your cork for it to sink or lay over.
Another technique is tight lining structure. With a jig pole you can select the fall by manually lowering your jig up and down in the structure. This method takes patience and concentration when fishing.
Crappie also go shallow in murky water because there’s more oxygen in the shallows than deep water. In muddy water crappie will cling tightly to wooded underwater structures. Crappie use these structures as protection in uncertain water conditions.
Thing is crappie have to eat no matter the conditions. During the spawn this time of the year you might find them on shallow flats, points, and close to the banks. The crappie will be feeding on crawfish and bait fish. Using selective baits and techniques talked about might help you put a few in the boat!
At the end of the day being on the water and trying different water conditions to perfect your skills will make you a better fisherman. So be safe and use common since on the water!